Agrarian and Environmental Movements in Indonesia in the Early 21st Century

Rp 65.000


WACANA Journal No.28/2012 | Agrarian and Environmental Movements in Indonesia in the Early 21st Century

Critical intellectuals, including those in government, universities, and social movement organizations, require adequate analytical tools to understand how the acceleration and expansion of production sites of global commodity and how plantation, forestry, and mining concessions are being major shaper of the three pairs of issues, namely environmental damage, unequal distribution of land tenure and natural resources, and escalation of agrarian conflicts. The three problems are persistent with widespread impact and become the basis of the need for the agrarian reform and management of natural resources policies as defined in the Decree of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) No. IX/MPR/2001 on Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources Management. This decree, in addition to be the evidence of democratic participation of civil society in legislation drafting, is also a milestone in which the agrarian and environmental movements converged and synergized in utilizing the available political opportunities after the fall of authoritarian regime towards agrarian and environmental justice.

The WACANA Journal of this edition locates the agrarian and environmental movements in relation to a specific form of resistance to the market movement, as conceived by Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation (1944/1957). This edition will be using Decree of MPR No. IX/MPR/2001 as a point of departure. This edition focuses in the interaction between the agrarian and environmental movements, which in the experience of Indonesia has a different route and firstly converged in the national arena for the advocacy of MPR Decree No.IX/MPR/2001. The contents of WACANA Journal this edition feature and review specifically the new conceptual tools that can be used to understand the development of the agrarian and environmental movements in early XXI century of Indonesia.

(NOER FAUZI RAHMAN, Introduction: Agrarian and Environmental Movements In Indonesia)


  • Introduction | Interaction of Agrarian and Environmental Movements in the Early XXI Century Indonesia | Noer Fauzi Rachman | 2–10
  • Analysis | The Ups and Downs of Indonesian Environmental Movement: Struggling in the Midst of Escalated Capital Domination and Fragmented Movement | Khalisah Khalid | 11–39
  • Analysis | Synergy and Tension of Agrarian and Environmental Movements in the Early XXI Century | Usep Setiawan | 41–70
  • Case Study | Going Politics, Going Conflict: Problems of Civil Society Transformation to Political Society | Paramita Iswari | 71–102
  • Case Study | The Long Road of the Batak People Resistance against Pulp and Paper Industry in Tapanuli 1986–2012 | Dimpos Manalu | 103–149
  • Book Review | Adat as Strategy of Struggle | Restu Achmaliadi, Noer Fauzi Rachman | 151–159

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